Keeping Australian Geckos Book
Keeping Australian Geckos book. By Rob Porter. There is a large number of fascinating gecko varieties in Australia and Rob Porter's book brings greater knowlegde and understanding. The book covers not only basic keeping and maintenance of these reptiles but...
Thicktailed Gecko (Underwoodisaurus milii)
Thick-tailed Gecko for sale in Melbourne. We have a large range of Geckos for sale. The Thick-tailed Gecko, Underwoodisaurus milii, can be recognised by its large head and colour pattern of dark background with numerous yellowish spots. The original tail...
Stone Geckos
Stone Geckos (Diplodactylus vittatus) Stone Geckos are a dark brown gecko with a pale, deeply notched zigzag stripe down back from neck to tip of a short plump tail.They live in shelters in burrows and shallow depressions under stones and...
Marbled Gecko
Marbled Gecko lizards for sale. We have have a large range of marbled geckos and other geckos that you can buy from our reptile store. The Marbled gecko (Christinus marmoratus) is a small, soft bellied lizard, up to 70mm long....
Marbled Gecko Adult Breeders
Marbled Gecko for sale Melbourne Christinus marmoratus The Marbled gecko is a small, soft bellied lizard, up to 70mm long. It is easily identified by its large finger and toe pads which spread out to grasp slippery or soft surface....
Marbled Velvet Geckos
The Marbled Velvet Gecko (Oedura marmorata) is a large gecko with tiny scales that give its skin a velvet type texture. They are rich purplish brown in colour with a plump tail. The Marbled Velvet Gecko lives in crevices among...
Knob Tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis)
Knob Tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis) The Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis) has huge dark eyes, loose skin and a broad paddle shape tail. It is pale pinkish to dark purplish-brown in colour with light coloured bars and spots. The tail...
Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko (pilbarensis)
The Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis pilbarensis) has huge dark eyes, loose skin and a broad paddle shape tail. It is pale pinkinsh to dark purplish-brown in colour with light coloured bars and spots. The tail ends in a small...
Guide To Australian Geckos In Captivity Book
A Guide to Australian Geckos and Pygopods in Captivity BookThis full colour, 352 page book ,with over 600 images, by Dr Danny Brown provides detailed information on all aspects of captive husbandry relating to the most commonly kept species of...
Bynoes Gecko
The Bynoe's gecko (Heteronotia binoei) can be found ranging over many of Australia's different landscapes. While some other species of gecko are specialised to live in particular habitats, such as on rocks, up trees, or on sand dunes, Bynoe's gecko...
Bynoes Gecko (Parthenogentic)
The Bynoe's gecko (Heteronotia binoei) can be found ranging over many of Australia's different landscapes. While some other species of gecko are specialised to live in particular habitats, such as on rocks, up trees, or on sand dunes, Bynoe's gecko...
Beaded Geckos
The Beaded Gecko (Diplodactylus damaeus) grows about 10 cm long and lives in the drier, sandy areas of southern Australia. The skin colour on its back varies with the locality, but most are a pale reddish-brown, with a continuous, ragged...