Tarble Childrens Pythons
Tarble Children's Pythons Tarble Children's Pythons are a relatively new mutation of  Antaresia childreni which produce an amazing patternless colour. They are produced from a mix of the T+ and Marbled Children's genes Easy to care for with the same...
Woma Pythons
Woma Pythons (Aspidites ramsayi) Woma Pythons usually grow to around 2 metres. They have an orange head and a light tan coloured body with darker bands. The Woma Python inhabits South Western Queensland, Central Australia and parts of Western Australia....
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Water Pythons
WATER PYTHONS (LIASIS FUSCUS) for sale. The Water Python is a robustly built snake, with a long head slightly distinct from the neck. Dorsally its colour is a uniform iridescent dark, blackish brown with the ventral surface being dull to...
Stimsons Python
Stimsons Pythons (Anatersia Stimsoni) for sale Melbourne Victoria If you are thinking of buying a pet Stimsons Python come and see the range of Pythons we have for sale. Stimson Pythons are a great first snake to buy. Note: We...
Stimsons Python T+ Albino
Stimsons Pythons T+ Albino (Anatersia Stimsoni) Also known as "Albino Blonde" this fantastic looking colour variation of the Stimson's Python is a relatively new one to Australia that has now become available for sale. "t+" means "tyrosinase-positive" Tyrosinase is an...
Spotted Python
Spotted pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Anatersia Maculosa Note: We can can freight Spotted Pythons to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable.Please contact us for freight costs and further...
Snake Catcher Snake Removal Melbourne
Snake Catcher Snake Removal MelbourneCall us for snake catching or removing that is required in Melbourne Victoria. Rates vary depending on location. Call Vince on 0437 355 560 (24 hours) for all inquiries regarding snake removal. Vince is a DSE...
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Slatey Grey Snakes
Slatey Grey Snakes for sale Melbourne Stegonotus cucullatus This dark grey snake has a white to cream belly, pale on the flanks with some dark flecks. Although it can climb well it normally forages on the ground where it preys...
Olive Python
Olive Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria. Large range of Pythons for sale. Olive Pythons (Liasis Olivaceus) are a large snake that can grow to 16 feet in length. Olive Pythons will require a very large cage when adults. As with...
Murray Darling (Vic) Carpet Python
Murray Darling (Vic) Carpet pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Morelia Spilota Metcalfei Note: We can can freight Murray Darling (Vic) Carpet Pythons to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable. Please...
Marbled Children's Pythons
Marbled Children's Pythons (Anatersia Childreni) Marbled children's pythons are a unique colour variation that vary quite differently from the traditional kind. They are a relatively new colour morph with huge potential for further breeding. Note: We can can freight Marbled...
Jungle Carpet Python
Jungle Carpet Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Morelia Spilota Variegata Note: We can can freight Jungle Pythons to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable. Please contact us for freight...
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Jaguar Pythons
Jaguar Pythons Jaguar Pythons are a Morelia morph that carry a co-dominant gene which can produce amazing looking snakes. Unfortunately this gene can also carry a neurological condition that can been seen in the snake at anytime through out its...
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Hypo Bredli (Centralian) Pythons
Hypo Bredli Centralian Carpet Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Hypo (Hypomelanistic) means reduced or no black. Morelia spilota bredli Note: We can can freight Centralian (Bredli) Carpet Pythons to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will...
High Yellow Diamond Pythons
High Yellow Diamond Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria (Morelia Spilota Spilota) This particular color phase of the Diamond Python has a spectacular yellow coloration. We are well known for having for sale some of the best looking high yellow Diamond...
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Guide To Australian Snakes Elapids and Colubrids Book
A GUIDE TO AUSTRALIAN SNAKES IN CAPTIVITY ELAPIDS AND COLUBRIDS BOOKThis full colour, 280 page book provides detailed information on all aspects of captive husbandry relating to the most commonly kept species of Australian Elapid and Colubrid snakes. Over 500...
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Green Tree Pythons
Green Tree Pythons (Morelia viridis) for sale. If you are wanting to buy a Green Tree Python feel free to contact us. Although due to licence restrictions we are not available to sell Green Tree Pythons in store. But we...
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Golden Tree Snakes
Golden Tree Snakes (Dendrelaphis punctulata) for sale in Melbourne These are a stunning colour phase of the Common Tree Snake. Availability of these is always very scarce so be sure to check what we have available. We also sell Blue...
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Green Tree Snakes
Green Tree Snakes (Dendrelaphis punctulata) for sale in Melbourne These are a stunning colour phase of the Common Tree Snake. Availability of these is always very scarce so be sure to check what we have available. We also sell Blue...
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Gammon Ranges Carpet Pythons
Gammon Ranges Carpet Pythons for sale. These particular carpet pythons originate from the Gammon Ranges which are part of the northern Flinders Ranges, immediately southwest of and adjacent to Arkaroola Sanctuary. They encompass some of the most rugged and spectacular...
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Freshwater Snakes (Keelback)
Keelback Snakes for sale in Melbourne Keelback is also called freshwater snake. Tropidonophis mairii Note: We can can freight snakes to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable.Please contact us...
Diamond Python
Diamond Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Morelia Spilota Spilota Diamond Pythons are very popular as a pet snake due to there quiet nature. They can have very brilliant looking patterns and colours and the ones we sell are all from...
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Darwin Carpet Python
Darwin Carpet Pythons for sale Melbourne Victoria Morelia Spilota Variegata Note: We can can freight Darwin Carpet Pythons to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable.Please contact us for freight...
Common Tree Snake
Common Tree snakes for sale in Melbourne Dendrelaphis punctulata Note: We can can freight tree snakes to airports serviced by Australian Air Express. All relative import/export paperwork will need to be done if applicable. Please contact us for freight costs...

Showing 1 - 24 of 32 total

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