Zoo Med Repti Therm Heat Pad/Mat 24 watt
Zoo Med Repti-Therm Heat Pad 24w 8" x 18" ReptiTherm Under Tank Heaters are an ideal 24-hour primary or secondary heat source for tropical or temperate reptilian species. All of Zoo Med’s Under Tank Heaters are Australian approved and contain a solid...
Zoomed Repti Therm Habitat Heater
Zoo Med Repti-Therm Habitat Heater Industrial Strength Heater for Heavy Tortoises and other Large Reptile Cage Applications. 240 Volt, 40-watt heater with LED light to tell you when the heater is “on”. Automatic thermostat protection shuts off the heater at 119°F...
Zoomed Repti Therm Heat Pad/Mat 16 watt
Zoo Med Repti-Therm Heat Pad 8 watt 8" x 12" ReptiTherm Under Tank Heaters are an ideal 24-hour primary or secondary heat source for tropical or temperate reptilian species. All of Zoo Med’s Under Tank Heaters are Australian approved and contain a...
Showing 25 - 27 of 27 total